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We support the work of several preachers located around the world. Some of them have started small churches and are focusing their energy on growing their numbers as well as edifying their members. Others have established congregations or are spearheading efforts to open new churches. Each preacher and their congregation are engaged in evangelizing to their local community and equipping their members to do the same.  




In 1963 Jim Puterbaugh began preaching in northern California, Alaska, and Washington.   After teaching at Kirkland in the 70’s, he decided to focus his efforts on the Philippines making his first missionary trip there in 1977. In 1990 Jim moved to the Philippines permanently and in 1991 adopted 5 Filipino orphans, four boys and one girl. Over these past 4 decades, Jim has maintained a rigorous schedule preaching and conducting seminars for the Filipino preachers throughout the various islands of the Philippines.  The primary goal of Jim’s work in the Philippines has been to help the preachers of this nation to live a sincere Christian life style and to train members of their congregations to do the same.


Mariano Bilgera has worked for 25 years as the Lords servant teaching and preaching to the lost in Ilagan, Philippines. His work consists of preaching, teaching personal bible studies, holding gospel meetings and coordinating vacation bible school programs. We support his work and the congregation there financially.


Edgar Licodini has taught the lost in Ilagan for 15 years dedicating himself to bring the word of God to his community. During this time, he has been instrumental in bringing many souls to the Lord. In additional, Edgar helps coordinate benevolence during natural disasters and medical emergencies. We support his effort and work with the Illagan congregation.




Spokane, Washington

Ron Cope has been an evangelist since 1975. In 2018 he decided to focus his evangelistic efforts on an underserved area in Spokane Washington where he started a new congregation.